hey... a month passes by so fast! i've been sewing a lot, reading a lot and generally doing a lot of things. i keep thinking that nothing happened this past month but that's simply not true. i got into new music (2hollis + rekindled my love for drain gang), got really invested in london/paris fashion week (autumn winter 25), made 2 dresses (which are still in the works!) and really got on my creativity grind. i recently picked up the artist's way by julia cameron and it seems like a super helpful resource for me, considering my struggles to find my #True creative self. if ur a creative and haven't heard of this book, it might be something worth checking out! i'm only on the 1st week of the entire program but i've heard raving reviews online and it definitely holds a lot of potential. though i guess this kind of resource only works when you make it work for you. iykwim. so far i've been doing my morning pages and have been adhering to the weekly plan, which is a good start! the only thing that puts me off is the amount of religious references in the book... it lowkey gets to a point where i feel a little out of place/uncomfortable but eh i just substitute the G-word with a similar idea/word when i'm reading it.
i'm seriously on a journey to heal my creative self though!!! i know i talk about this every other cygnet entry lol but i feel like i have to unlearn so many negative beliefs and practices that have been constraining me. also i just think this TAW experiment is something nice to do for myself, regardless of whether this 12 week program ultimately works for me in this aspect. okay anyways it's kind of like a daily meditation/introspection thing so i think i can benefit regardless.
also wanted to give some updates on the books i've been reading! i recently finished in the absence of men by philippe besson and hour of the star by clarice lispector xx and i'm currently reading lie with me by philippe besson! wait it's such a funny story i initially picked up in the absence of men thinking it would be a piece of feminist lit... featuring women... In The Absence Of Men... oh my god i didn't search the synopsis up at all HAHAHAH it was an offhand recommendation from a friend so i went in completely blind. like i-downloaded-the-epub-without-taking-a-second-look-at-the-cover-blind. well turns out it's actually a story very much in the Presence of Men . in fact it tells a coming-of-age story of this homosexual 16 year old boy and how he navigates his relationships. so yeah
well nevertheless i did enjoy it very much - philippe besson writes so beautifully! for such a short book, i thought it was pretty well developed in terms of its characters and plot. reading it made me want to learn french LOL it sounded so lyrical. and thinking about it, if it's already so well-written and affecting in english, i can't imagine how beautiful it'd read in its original french edition. kudos to the translator (frank wayne i believe) :thumbsup:
i think i have more to say but i'll just leave it as that for now. i'll catch up another time!
- j